by Allison Benko                                                                                                                                                                                   Directing Apprentice

(This blog post is part of a continued series created by our apprentices about how and why they fell in love with the theatre)


My fervor for knowledge and my constant development is never so apparent as when I am directing. Between visceral ideas for stage pictures, heavy analysis of each scene, and playful experimentation with language, each new production sends my curiosity spinning with delight. Each production I work on and each piece of writing I analyze signifies a small new era in my life. Each of these experiences subtly alters my perspective and encourages me to grapple ever more deeply with my own inner growth.

But theatre is an incredibly special discipline in more ways than one. Besides fulfilling my own sense of curiosity, theatre offers a uniquely powerful collaborative opportunity. Theatre breaks down barriers, creates ties, and revels in close human connection. At the Collaborative, we apprentices will become a united troupe, and we will profoundly teach and shape one another.

Complacency is not in my blood. Any attempt to satisfy my voracious appetite for learning will, ultimately, be futile. Each set of knowledge attained will only lead to more craved knowledge; each answered question will only lead to more questions. But completing a set of knowledge is never the point of theatre. Buoyed by my fellow apprentices, I will find that the experience of learning is enough.



*GSC Blog posts are the select opinions of individual employees and may not necessarily reflect the views of Gloucester Stage as a whole.